ICB offers Energy Work Courses for non-practitioners.


"I have been training with I.C.B. for 8 months now and cannot imagine my life without these amazing people."
- Karien Nel

Energy Work Courses

We offer a variety of fun, popular energy work courses for self-development and connection with like-minded people.

Please note:

  • The Course Dates calendar covers in-person courses only; please contact us to schedule an online course (minimum attendance may apply).
  • Where applicable, Early Bird pricing ends 5 weeks prior the course start date.
  • Most courses are held on Sundays; some are run over consecutive Sundays.

See here for our Upcoming Course dates (PDF) and below for Course Descriptions & Fees.

For last-minute courses or updates, we recommend you follow our FB page here.

Participants in AlphaMind Courses

1. AlphaMind – Fundamentals and Intermediate

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 17hr training run over 2 separate training days, usually split across weekends
  • Fee: R6600 Early-bird; R7200 Full

This workshop is highly recommended for anyone seeking a new perspective; to enhance meaning, purpose, love, joy, and deep prosperity in their lives. It answers questions you've been grappling with.

Learn techniques to improve your health, relationships, career / business structure, staff management, and to help manifest your desires. Learn the ability to function in Alpha frequency for a deeper life awareness, removing over-reactive patterns, responses and stress patterns; a way to calm the chaos and optimize your potential. The Alpha frequency (7-14Htz) also offers immune boosting properties.

The AlphaMind teaches Living Consciousness. Deepen your connection via the more tactile 5 senses as well as the subtle senses. The relaxation techniques help to assist with the optimized functioning of the body-mind-soul experience of this lifetime.

Skillset taught:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • Self healing & re-patterning
  • Manifestation tools
  • Accessing deep sleep states
  • Conflict resolution
  • Reducing chaos & simplifying
  • Using more of the whole brain
  • Divine connection to universal information
  • Connecting with guides, animals and plants
  • Animal and plant communication

Download Fundamentals brochure (PDF) / Intermediate brochure (PDF)

Reconnect with fun and enjoy a breakthrough discovery of the power of Self!

2. CREATE – Children’s AlphaMind (8-12yrs)

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 3hr training
  • Fee: R1550 Early-bird; R1900 Full Course fee

A workshop of fun, physical play, and imaginative development. Children innately know how to navigate their own lives through imagination, play and through a curious intuitive language.

Children's excitement for life is part of their natural gift. As we teach them to “grow up” we guide them away for these gifts, which often create anxiety, over-stimulation and emotional stress of not fitting in. This workshop reconnects children to their optimal space of learning and discovering life - through imaginative intuition.

Physiologically we teach the brain to integrate hemispheres, thus using more of their brain aspects at the same time. This brain-enhancement optimizes the receptivity between them and their surrounding world, which continues to develop through emotions, physical, mental and spiritual growth at each age. This workshop helps children to navigate into young adulthood with tools that support a confident exploration of what life has to offer. Let's equip our children for a powerful future, feeling confident and comfortable within themselves to achieve greatness.

3. AlphaMind Mini

  • Prerequisites: AlphaMind Fundamentals and Intermediate
  • Duration: 3hr training
  • Fee: R750

The 3-hour AlphaMind Mini workshops are short, theme-based practice sessions designed around to integrate the dynamic use, interaction with, and living practice of the AlphaMind as a living consciousness. The sessions are intended to the skillset to aid in day-to-day support to improve attentiveness to life and Self.

Attending regular AlphaMind Mini sessions dramatically reduces stress effects on the body, improves all cognitive functions and assists in a more clear and coherent life engagement, helping one to stay clear and present through every experience.

The session dates and environment are confirmed monthly. They enable diverse group interactions and practice platforms.

Recordings of the AlphaMind Mini sessions are available for purchase on request.

"This amazing course provided me with the tools to tap into what is here within me. It gave me the insight to change and work with day to day and life issues on a completely different level. Learning about the Alpha Mind State and applying it practically during the course, and afterwards, has been so empowering. Thank you Eugene, for opening up this "safe space" for me to explore and navigate through life more effectively. Highly recommended!"
- Heidi Cerfontein, Educator/Curriculum Development Manager

4. AlphaMind - The Bridge

  • Prerequisites: AlphaMind Fundamentals and Intermediate
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Fee: R3600

A workshop designed to integrate and advance your basic AlphaMind skill set. A necessary workshop to complete prior attending the AlphaMind - Advanced workshop. AlphaMind - The Bridge is the next step for those who feel comfortable with the basics and wish to be challenged in terms of next level skillset application in their day-to-day life to advance their performance and daily living quality. This workshop helps you to live your life the Alpha way, to feel fully connected, embraced and in simple enjoyment of every aspect of your life.

When practicing AlphaMind, the immense power of its physiological effects dramatically improve one's health and wellness, and one's entire life experience creates a rhythm of effortless flow and ease. With AlphaMind, there isn't anything that cannot be navigated.

AlphaMind - The Bridge deepens confidence in using the AlphaMind skillset in every situational need, and creates a sense of completion within oneself as you start to relax into the natural workings of what life is really about.

"Thank you Eugene for another well presented course on the Alpha Mind. Sometimes we are so trapped in our own day to day happenings that the feeling of overwhelmed to finding answers to problems or just looking at it a different way becomes so great that we can't see the real opportunities. This course showed me how to access a place within me and reveal all its hidden amazing secrets and answers. It's great to go into Alpha and find these answers to questions I wanted to know. And I can do it any time. Its very exiting. Again, thank you for sharing the information and I'm looking forward to part 2."
- Derek Byrnes

5. The AlphaMind - Advanced

  • Prerequisites: AlphaMind Fundamentals and Intermediate, Attendance of 3 mini-Alpha sessions, & AlphaMind – The Bridge
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Fee: R3600

This workshop focuses on the extension of AlphaMind skillsets to dynamically engage with different energy layers and experiences, by developing the subtle sensory interface.

The AlphaMind - Advanced fine tunes the deeper alpha frequency spaces for accuracy and more free-flow engagement of experience. Learn how to connect with intuitive journaling and note-taking of the AlphaMind experiences to re-enter continuous alpha-engagements to enhance and amplify the story's details. Learn how to access telepathic information through the use and application of the AlphaMind skillset, whilst staying in flow with progressive Alpha states.

Skill set taught:

  • Subtle sensory development
  • Clarity of the deeper Alpha frequency access
  • Development of meditative presence in the wake-state
  • Clarity of details
  • Flow and fluidity of brainwave frequencies
  • Intuitive journaling
  • Telepathic development

"It's easy to spend your life on autopilot - only occasionally wondering about why we think the way we do... going around in the same circles over and over... Attending the course felt like someone opening the way to the beautiful world outside after believing that I was trapped in a room with no windows and no doors. Lifechanging? Absolutely. Worthwhile? Without a doubt."
- Othelia Langner, Legal Counsel

6. Pendulum Fundamentals

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Fee: R2500 (includes your pendulum)

A pendulum is a small weight suspended from a string, cord or light chain. Dowsing (using the pendulum) is defined as an activity to search for the invisible. It falls under a type of divination, or the act of divining (to foresee), employed in attempts to locate missing objects or assisting in decision making. It is a mystical process tied into intuition.

It enables accessing universal information to distinguish a "yes" or a "no" answer through the directed swings of the pendulum. As an example; a swing to the right – yes; a swing to the left – no. Learning to understand the response of your pendulum, you may use this tool wherever needed.

The Pendulum Fundamentals workshop works with teaching:

  • Basic Pendulum connection
  • Designing intuitive questions
  • Working with basic charts
  • Creating your own basic charts
  • Finding missing objects

This Pendulum workshop introduces a fun and playful addition to life.

7. Pendulum Intermediate to Advanced

  • Prerequisites: Pendulum Fundamentals/Prior Pendulum Training
  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Fee: R2500

This workshop focuses on fine-tuning the use of the Pendulum, and diving deeper into the understanding of how dowsing may be used to support Chakra Balancing, Clearings and much more. The theme-based practice modules focuses on extended development of Pendulum techniques.

Skill set taught:

  • Question and chart development
  • Integrative balancing tools
  • Reference charts
  • Modular-specific theoretical supports

"When I was a little girl dreaming and imagination was like second nature to me. As I grew older the beatings of life started shutting some of those windows and replaced them with self doubt, fear and disbelief. Getting in touch with my inner self again was challenging. By doing the workshop it helped open up my mind's eye and find quiet in the bustle of my everyday motions. The techniques learnt has installed a new trust in myself. I'm back on a journey where I believe dreams can come true! Thank you so much to Eugene and Shannon for the hospitality and kindness during the course. I will definitely be back at the next one."
- Clarisa Nel - Fitness consultant

8. Consciousness expression of the Masculine-Feminine

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 5 hours, broken into two sessions
  • Fee: R3800
  • Training Environment: Online only, by prior arrangement

A basic introduction and discussion on paradoxical interactions and polarities, that form the wholeness of creation and manifestation in relationships. This is the balance relating to life, prosperity, abundance and harmony of our existence.

The masculine-feminine concept helps us understand where these polarities support and balance each other, as a unit of integrated partnership expressions. The dynamism of these polarities helps us understand the intricacies of the masculine and the feminine in relationships.

Each session includes information on the masculine or feminine properties and provide an interactive, topic-based space for questions and discussions.

Skill-set taught:

  • Role and characteristics of the Feminine
  • Role and characteristics of the Masculine
  • Introspective understanding of the archetypal influences
  • Relationship dynamics
  • Personal growth influence

9. Healing Herbs

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Fee: R4200 (includes practical tool set)

A workshop aimed at sharing ancient plant knowledge that is our birthright to grow, prepare and use. Since we are one with nature, this workshop teaches the use of herbal remedies for health and wellbeing. The workshop will cover various healing properties of herbs; how to use them for common ailments; how to prepare the herbs in different forms for use and administration.

This workshop includes theoretical and practical information on the traditional use of herbs, and provides an interactive, topic-based, space for questions and discussions.

The Healing Herbs workshop in Summer will focus on the herbal preparations to support the body into the winter season. The Healing Herbs workshop in late Spring will focus on the support of the body out of winter into the Summer-state.

Skill set taught:

  • Knowledge of herbal healing properties
  • Harvesting and preparation
  • Application methods
  • Body health systems and wellbeing
  • Remedy preparations
  • Simpling

CAVEAT: This workshop does not aim to replace any professional medical diagnosis, provided by qualified healthcare physicians.

Transform and Expand on one of our sought-after ICB courses

10. Fascia Response & Integration - Fundamentals

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 17hr training, run over 2 separate training days, usually split across weekends
  • Fee: R6600 Early-bird; R7200 Full Course fee

This workshop is ideal for ANYONE wanting to diversify their offerings to clients, or for self-applied healing. It helps you gain a broader understanding of your body. The body is permanently in a state of expression and understanding this underlying dialogue allows us to support the body accordingly.

The Fascia Response and Integration system is an energy medicine modality. Through the learnt access points, one is able to tap into the body's dialogue and start translating the story. We work directly with the connective tissue of the body to reconnect the body to a more optimal expressional state of being.

Working with Chinese elements, meridians and fascial zoning, a protocol of application is learnt to deliver the neutralities that the body brings forward. A neutrality is any state offered outside of the current body expression; relaxation, reconnection, alignment, softening, tonification etc.

This system provides a safe, non-invasive and transformational platform to combine with any other modality if desired.

You will learn:

  • Understanding of the 5 elements (fire, water, earth, metal & wood)
  • The consciousness and natural emotion of the body, its organs & systems
  • Fascial zones – in which the fascia re-expresses itself
  • Standing, seated and lying down "releases"
  • The protocol of the Fascia Response Information Points – static (where the client lays down to receive the session)
  • Basic Fascia Response movement sequence to facilitate re-expression of the fascia through physical movement
  • Self healing and intuitive placement
  • How to understand the body's dialogue

Download Fundamentals Short brochure (PDF)

11. Fascia Response & Integration - Intermediate

  • Prerequisites: The AlphaMind Fundamentals and Intermediate
  • Duration: 17hr training, run over 2 separate training days, usually split across weekends
  • Fee: R6600 Early-bird; R7200 Full Course fee

The body's diverse communications challenge us to think outside of the box. Fascia is not limited to the physical body, and through Fascia Intermediate, we start accessing these information fields.

You will learn:

  • Fascia Stabilizers – Superficial, intermediate and deep
  • Body Consciousness – a deeper diving into the body's dialogue
  • Dynamic Quantum Expressions
  • Distance sessions – how to run a distance fascia session
  • Intermediate Fascia Response Information points – new holds added to the static response protocol taught in Fundamentals
  • Accessing deeply stored body information, using AlphaMind techniques
  • Quantum healing

12. Walk the Talk – Consciousness of the Feet

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 1 day workshop
  • Fee: R3300 Early-bird; R3800 Full Course fee

Walk the Talk is an interactive workshop covering the consciousness expressions of the Feet. The Feet are our direct connection to this lifetime on Earth. The Feet hold intricate electromagnetic connections to the earth and are a highly expressive space of the body.

Understanding the Feet can provide a sound story of the experiences that person has been through, as well as an accurate tap into the subconscious memory systems of the biological body. The feet can tell many stories. When we engage to understand them and their descriptive placements; we are provided the opportunity to observe, re-evaluate, and reconnect with our lives differently. The eyes may be the windows to the Soul, but the Feet are the windows to the heart. ALL expressions in your lifetime WILL be presented through the feet in one way or another.

Considering the reflexes in the feet, body consciousness and elemental contributions; this workshop can provide you with a powerful toolset to understand your story better, as well as those of others.

Walk the Talk is an ideal complement to all therapeutic practices (to gain more insight into the client), and for day-to-day application. This workshop will include information on the expressions of the Feet and provide an interactive, topic-based, time period for questions and discussions.

Skill set taught:

  • Consciousness of the feet
  • Foot displays – postural understandings
  • Abnormalities
  • Injuries
  • Main energy points and restorative practices
  • Basic reflex placements for health and well being
  • Expressions of the toes

13. Body Consciousness

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 1 day workshop
  • Fee: R3300 Early-bird; R3800 Full Course fee

One's body is Consciousness! It has unique information coding that resonates on all levels in relation to the environment, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body. Similar to having a unique personality, the body has a unique expression and a wisdom, responding to any influences. The body holds awareness and perceptional interpretation of Self and is able to sense or experience energy.

This workshop helps you connect to the language of your body. This helps one not only accept and care for the body better, but also to interpret what it is telling us, e.g. Sore feet/plantar fasciitis can relate to one's inability to move in relation to one's current environment. Do you feel stuck, unstable in your life or trying to grow new roots to anchor yourself? What fears stop you from taking that first step to move forward? Similarly one can learn to interpret a sore shoulder, heart issues, diabetic symptoms etc.

Various concepts contribute to this Workshop: how the elements, emotions, ancestral imprinting, environmental programming and more can all contribute toward creating a physical experience that is in fact, not truly yours.

"Absolutely amazing experience."
- S de Araujo

14. Reiki 1 & 2

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 1 day workshop
  • Fee: R2700 Early-bird; R3000 Full Course fee
  • Special Attendance: Children aged 13yrs and up may attend

The Usui method originated in Japan, developed by Dr Mikao Usui in the late 1800’s. Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki Practitioners are trained by Reiki Masters in the art of Reiki. Today many hospitals and medical practitioners include Reiki therapy to promote good health.

The energy flowing through all living things needs to remain balanced, in flow and regulated. When imbalanced or weakened, one can feel the effects physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. Reiki is a wonderful, gentle and effective method used to help rebalance these disrupted energy systems, to restore them back to their innate vitalized expressions. When in balance, the energy systems, and person, feel strong, capable, healthy, and in harmony in all things.

Reiki is a very gentle session, that can do no harm. Reiki uses subtle movements of hand positionings, off or on the body, to assist the body to rebalance itself and return to its innate harmonious state.

Reiki 1 and 2 is an introductory workshop focusing on understanding Reiki, healing positions, and the receiving of attunement for 3 Reiki symbols. These healing symbols can be used in person on clients, animals and plants.

15. Reiki 3 (Masters)

  • Prerequisites: Reiki 1 & 2
  • Duration: 5 hour workshop
  • Fee: R2700 Early-bird; R3000 Full Course fee

A continuation from Reiki 1 and 2, the Usui method Reiki 3 workshop is an in-person half day workshop. The student, now comfortable and confident within the foundations of the Usui Reiki method, will receive further attunements for more advanced Reiki symbols, allowing the practitioner to work distantly and run sessions remotely.

The attunements received in Reiki 3 will further enhance the effectivity of Reiki 1 and 2.

"The day I phoned the practice was the saving day for me. I found 2 people that understand me, and helped me understand myself and the life I am living now so much better. Apart from healing and QHHT sessions that helped me heal, Shannon had a course on Intuitive Reading, I joined and learned how to trust my intuition. I would like to invite anybody to visit this practice and start your healing journey with Eugene and Shannon. You will feel like you found your family."
- Carissa

16. Intuitive Card Reading Workshop

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Duration: 5 hour workshop
  • Fee: R1700 Early-bird; R2000 Full Course fee

This Intuitive Card Reading workshop helps to build the skillset to translate information patterns from the field into a relatable story – either for themselves or for a client. This workshop focuses on tuning you into the intuitive receptivity and ability to see through the use of cards. This workshop applies whether you work with Tarot or Oracle Cards.

Skill-set taught:

  • Understanding how cards "access" the information in the field
  • Building the story that the cards present
  • Translating the cards into a relatable piece of information
  • Spreads for Soul Lessons, as well as timeline
  • Timeline orientation – how to translate time
  • Building a 21 Card spread to map the outcome of situations/questions
  • How to choose a deck of cards that you can read
  • Cleansing/clearing decks, spreads and working areas

A fun-filled workshop designed to ignite your inner story-teller and ability to access the psychic information realm and more. A variety of cards will be available on the day to use and practice with, so you don't to buy cards prior the workshop.

2025 Course Dates

Please see here for Course dates (PDF) for upcoming courses.

For your convenience, payment can be made via EFT or Credit Card (via PayPal) - details will be provided with your quote/invoice.

For last-minute courses or updates, please also follow our FB page here.