We offer a variety of fun, popular energy work courses for self-development and connection with like-minded people.
See here for our Upcoming Course dates & Fees (PDF) and below for Course Descriptions.
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FB page here.
This 2 day workshop is highly recommended for everyone who is searching for another perspective; to enhance meaning, purpose, love, joy, and well-being in their lives. It is ideal to answer questions you've been playing with; until now, without an answer.
Learn techniques to improve your health, relationships, business structure, staff management, and to help manifest your desires and deep prosperity.
Learn the ability to function in Alpha frequency for a deeper life awareness, removing over-reactive patterns, responses and stress patterns; a way to calm the chaos and optimize your potential. Alpha itself offers immune boosting properties.
The AlphaMind teaches Living Consciousness. Deepen your connection with your sensory experiences through the more tactile 5 senses as well as the subtle senses. The relaxation techniques help to assist with the optimized functioning of the body-mind-soul experience of this lifetime. Skillset taught:
Download Fundamentals Short PDF brochure / Download Intermediate Short PDF brochure
The AlphaMind workshop reconnects you back to the fun and the exciting discovery of Self!
A 1 day workshop focusing on the extension of AlphaMind skill sets to dynamically engage with different energy layers and experiences. This workshop develops the subtle sensory interface. AlphaMind Advanced offers an opportunity to fine-tune the clarity of the deeper Alpha frequency spaces for accuracy and more free-flow engagement of experience.
Learn how to connect with Intuitive journaling and note-taking of the AlphaMind experiences to re-enter continuous alpha-engagements to enhance and amplify the story's details. Learn how to access telepathic information through the use and application of the AlphaMind skill set, whilst intuitively being in flow with progressive Alpha states.
Skill set taught:
The mini AlphaMind workshops are short, theme-based practice sessions designed around developing a more dynamic use, interaction with and living practice of the AlphaMind as a living consciousness. The Living Consciousness series is intended to provide a skillset to aid in day-to-day support to improve attentiveness to life and Self.
Attending regular mini AlphaMind sessions dramatically reduce stress effects on the body, improve all cognitive functions and assist in a more clear and coherent life engagement; helping one to stay clear and present through every experience.
The mini AlphaMind sessions are held monthly to enable diverse group interactions and practice platforms. Each session is 4hrs. The sessions are confirmed monthly and vary between in-person and interactive online sessions.
Recordings of the mini AlphaMind sessions are available for purchase on request.
This short, 4 hour workshop. A pendulum is a small weight suspended from a string, cord or light chain. In short, dowsing is defined as an activity to search for the invisible. It falls under a type of divination, or the act of divining (to foresee), employed in attempts to locate missing objects or assisting in decision making. It is a mystical process tied into intuition.
It enables accessing universal information to distinguish a "yes" or a "no" answer through the directed swings of the pendulum. As an example; a swing to the right – yes; a swing to the left – no. Learning to understand the response of your pendulum, you may use this tool wherever needed. The Pendulum Fundamentals workshop works with teaching:
This Pendulum workshop introduces a fun and playful addition to life.
PRE-REQUISITE: Pendulum Fundamentals.
This 4-hour worskhop is offered in 2 Modules: Module 1: Chakra Balancing; Module 2: Clearings.
Theme-based practice modules focusing on extended development of Pendulum techniques. Skill set taught:
This 2-day workshop helps you gain a broader understanding of your body. The body is permanently in a state of expression and understanding this underlying dialogue allows us to support the body accordingly.
The Fascia Response and Integration system is an energy medicine modality. Through the learnt access points, one is able to tap into the body's dialogue and start translating the story. We work directly with the connective tissue of the body to reconnect the body to a more optimal expressional state of being.
Working with Chinese elements, meridians and fascial zoning, a protocol of application is learnt to deliver the neutralities that the body brings forward. A neutrality is any state offered outside of the current body expression; relaxation, reconnection, alignment, softening, tonification etc.
This system provides a safe, non-invasive and transformational platform to combine with any other modality if desired. You will learn:
Download Fundamentals Short PDF brochure
There are no pre-requisites for joining this workshop. It is ideal for ANYONE wanting to diversify their offerings to clients, or for self-applied healing.
This is a follow-on workshop from Fascia Fundamentals. The Fascia Response Fundamentals workshop as well as the AlphaMind workshops are a pre-requisites to attending this workshop.
The body's diverse communications challenge us to think outside of the box. Fascia is not limited to the physical body, and through Fascia Intermediate, we start accessing these information fields. You will learn:
A basic introduction and discussion on paradoxical interactions and polarities, that form the wholeness of creation and manifestation in relationships. This is the balance relating to life, prosperity, abundance and harmony of our existence.
The masculine-feminine concept helps us understand where these polarities support each other in their roles and functions, as integrated partnership expressions. The dynamic of these two integrations helps us understand the balanced nature of being. This workshop helps us understand the intricacies of the masculine and the feminine in relationships.
This is an online, 5 hour workshop, broken into two parts. Each part will include information on the masculine and feminine properties and provide an interactive, topic-based, time period for questions and discussions.
Ideal for couples or individuals wanting to integrate or balance their feminine/masculine aspects better. Skill set taught:
Walk the Talk is an interactive workshop discussing the consciousness expressions of the Feet. The Feet are our direct connection to this lifetime on Earth. The Feet hold intricate electromagnetic connections to the earth and are a highly expressive space of the body. Understanding the Feet can provide a sound story of the experiences that person has been through, as well as an accurate tap-in to the subconscious memory systems of the biological body. The feet can tell many stories. When we engage with the opportunity to understand them as well as their descriptive placements; we are provided the opportunity to observe, re-evaluate, and reconnect with our lives differently.
The eyes may be the windows to the Soul, but the Feet are the windows to the heart. ALL expressions in your lifetime WILL be presented through the feet in one way or another. Considering the reflexes in the feet, body consciousness and elemental contributions; attending this workshop can provide you with an intricate toolset of understanding your story better, as well as that of others. The Feet are constantly changing and expressing.
Walk the Talk is an ideal complement to all therapeutic practices (to gain more insight into the client), as well as day-to-day know-how.
This is an online, 5 hour workshop, broken into two parts. Each part will include information on the expressions of the Feet and provide an interactive, topic-based, time period for questions and discussions.
Skill set taught:
Inspired by the understanding that we are one with nature, this workshop is aimed at sharing ancient plant knowledge, that is left to us as our birthright to grow, prepare and use. In the use of herbal remedies for health and wellbeing, the workshop will cover various healing properties of herbs; how to use them for common ailments; how to prepare the herbs in different forms for use and administration.
This is an online, 16 hour workshop, broken into 6 parts. Each part will include information on the traditional use of herbs for health and wellbeing, and provide an interactive, topic-based, time period for questions and discussions.
Skill set taught:
CAVEAT: This workshop is for educational purposes only, and does not aim to replace any professional medical diagnosis, provided by qualified healthcare physicians.
One's body is Consciousness! It has a unique information coding that resonates on all levels in relation to the environment, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body. Similar to having a unique personality, the body has a unique expression and a wisdom, responding to any influences. The body holds awareness and perceptional interpretation of Self and is able to sense or experience energy.
This workshop helps you connect to the language of your body. This helps one not only accept and care for the body better, but also to interpret what it is telling us, e.g. Sore feet/plantar fasciitis can relate to ones inability to move in relation to one's current environment. Do you feel stuck, unstable in your life or trying to grow new roots to anchor yourself? What fears stop you from taking that first step to move forward? Similarly one can learn to interpret a sore shoulder, heart issues, diabetic symptoms etc.
Various concepts contribute to this Workshop: how the elements, emotions, ancestral imprinting, environmental programming and more can all contribute toward creating a physical experience that is in fact, not truly yours.
This is a one day workshop in preparation for doing the advanced workshop. Students can also do this course even if they're not preparing for the advanced workshop.
Please see here for Course dates & Fees (PDF) for upcoming courses.
For your convenience. payment can be made via EFT or Credit Card (via PayPal) - details will be provided with your quote/invoice.
For last-minute courses or updates, please also follow our FB page here.